-Don't you FYROM me!
-I think I'd better ShishKebab you!
-I think I'd better ShishKebab you!
No state and no person has the right to deter me from calling them however I want to, especially when:
- They try to monopolize a name and refuse my people's right to self-determination.
- They usurp Greek cultural heritage by falsifying historical facts.
- Their national propaganda implies territorial claims towards a neighbouring country.
- They blatantly oppress all ethnic minorities residing within their borders.
- They remind me of that beautiful remote country of Kazakhstan.
...oh, I'm gonna ShishKebab you big time!
9 σχόλια:
It looks like you have an association with the law. Do you understand that any court in the world would completely throw an argument like yours right out the window? None of the points relate to the actual question.
What is most amazing though, a "party" in Greece that has made endless statements against the nationalism of Greeks towards their northern neighbours, is fully endorsing the nationalist actions of the prime minister of that country by the loudest possible means: its silence...
Who will guard us from the guards?
@Anonymous #1
It looks like you have no association with the law. Views expressed here are strictly personal and no court on Earth would refrain me from writing them down. Unless I was actually living in FYROM. But I am apparently not.
@Anonymous #2
Dear fellow reader, please allow me to clarify something: The Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic undertakes a series of national actions, not nationalistic ones.
And I honestly don't give a damn about any guards nor about their silence.
"Views expressed here are strictly personal and no court on Earth would refrain me from writing them down."
Your arguments are increasingly missing the point.
Nope. My arguments are straight to the point. But please be my guest and try to drive your point home.
Thanks for taking the time to engage with me in a constructive dialogue.
I appreciate the depth of your analysis and arguments.
Anonymous, get yourself a name first. However, in case that you come from the country which has currently no name, i can show some understanding for your choice. Manoliscus already said the rest.
@Blog owner
Μανώλη, δεν μπορείς να πεις, σχολιάσα και χωρίς φόβο και με περισσό πάθος ;-)
Always good to hear from you, old pal! Today I received a phone call from Frau R, she was asking about your whereabouts.
As for the ones I FYROM, I sympathize with their agony to create and defend a national identity. But I shall never let them do so at the expense of my country and me.
About fyrom I fully agree with your last sentence. I respect their right to call themselves the way they want, but we have the same right too. So the only way is to find a name that discriminates the Greek part from their part.
YΓ πε της χαιρετίσματα, ελπίζω να τη δω ξανά το καλοκαίρι όπως και εσένα. τα λέμε
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